Democrats On The Couch

Bringing Psychological Savvy to the Democratic Party

Episode Summary

This episode shows how and why Democrats need to get psychologically savvy in order to get out from under the manipulative control of Donald Trump and Republicans, manage their own self-sabotaging behaviors, and extract themselves from D.C. dysfunction.

Episode Transcription

In this podcast, I’ll be discussing why it’s so critical for Democrats to focus on straightening out their own party, rather than hyperventilating over the shit-show that is Donald j. Trump and the Republican Party.

Even Michelle Obama, in her DNC speech couldn’t help but blast Donald Trump as an incompetent president who creates chaos and division. She said: “Let me be as honest and clear as I possibly can: Donald Trump is the wrong president for our country,” 


Well here is a BIG NO-Duh… no news here folks. I doubt there is one Democrat that doesn’t believe this to be ABSOLUTELY TRUE. 






Think about this for a minute…


Joe Biden is in a dead heat with someone who lacks decorum, common human decency, and even basic knowledge about our constitution and what-the hell his role as our commander-in-chief even is…yet Democrats STILL may not be able to beat his ass in November. 

You’d think that his pathetic lack of character and inept handling of every crisis popping up around our country that he would’ve not just shot himself in the foot for re-election, but would’ve blown his own head off as a candidate.

But No…….he hasn’t.

And this says more about his competition, the Democratic Party, than it does about Donald J. Trump. 


The focus needs to be on Democrats and why-the-hell, in spite of the nightmare that is Donald Trump and today’s Republican Party, Democrats and their candidate are not the hands down winner in this upcoming election. 


Its too damn close for comfort and this tells us all we need to know--   


Democrats have been doing something very, very wrong over the years…and it’s past time to figure out what this is…


This is the mission of this podcast--Democrats on the Couch--. We’ll be examining Democrats role in DC dysfunction and the underlying problems that ultimately ushered in Donald Trump as our commander-in-chief. 


From here we’ll be determining what needs to be done to straighten out the mess that is politics in America today, beginning with the Democratic Party.


We all know our political system is dysfunctional beyond belief. 

Parties are bitterly polarized. Republicans are running roughshod over our constitution. Leadership is degenerating right before our eyes. But what those on the LEFT Don’t yet see is that Democrats are caught up in the dysfunction, and are part of the problem.


But here’s the good news: Since Democrats are part of the problem, they’re also part of the solution. 


As ta family therapist, I’ve been trained to look at problems systemically; and as the principles of cybernetics dictate, change in any part of a system (social, biological or otherwise) impacts and changes the entire system. Democrats have the power to catalyze change in our dysfunctional government by changing their problematic behavior and dynamics. 


Ever since partisan antagonism took vicious hold during the Bill Clinton / Newt Gingrich years, Democrats have been pointing fingers with victimized                                                                                                                                                               


outrage at Republicans’ slimy behavior. While blaming, shaming and complaining may be temporarily cathartic, it’s ultimately disempowering—useless gestures that change nothing


In fact, by Democrats focusing on that which is not within their power to change, they've become helpless victims of circumstance, even seen as pathetic and whiny by those turned off by the Democratic Party. 

In this podcast series, we’ll focus on how Democrats can shift the dysfunction in D.C. by addressing the problems that ARE WITHIN their power to change—those involving themselves and the democratic Party. 


It begins with understanding…


1) their role in D.C. dysfunction

2) how to strengthen and set their own party straight 

3) how to get out from under the manipulative control of those on the Right

4) constructively manage the derangement that is Donald Trump and the Republican Party. 


Then, and only then, will the Democratic Party have the potency needed to gain the respect of American citizens, dominate Republicans at the polls, improve our government, and save our democracy.  


Unlike any other political strategy out there…I’ll be targeting…


the basic lack of power and effectiveness Democrats have had in the face of Republicans’ manipulative behavior—both on the campaign trail and on the Hill. 


Just as party operatives have learned to employ tech expertise in political strategizing, it’s time to incorporate psychological sophistication as well—especially in the era of Donald Trump whose uncontained pathology and capacity for psychological manipulation is unprecedented.

Trump’s shameless ability to lie without blinking, deviously divide people, provoke chaos and confusion, and distort reality to achieve his aims is legendary. And make no mistake, these very tricks that were used to beat Hillary in 2016 and every day since, will be used against Biden. It’s the only skill Trump has and strategy he knows.

It’s crucial that Democrats anticipate these antics and learn how to neutralizetheir effectiveness because there’s NO changing Trump or stopping his madness. The sooner Democrats get this, the better off they’ll be.

For the last four years, Democrats have been crying foul over every despicable Behavior and comment spewing from Trump, which is completely counter-productive--a futile, demoralizing routine that simply highlights Democrats’ lack of power and control over him and his actions— actually reinforcing Trump’s dominance and their own helplessness.

Those who are trained to deal with psychological manipulation know that there are effective and ineffective ways to handle such ploys.

If you don’t know the difference, you’ll be caught up in the web of pathology and owned by it. Democrats, that’s been you, and is you to this day, I’m afraid.



Even after four years of riding the Trump crazy train, Democrats have yet to see it takes them nowhere, but in circles.  


This spring, DNC chair Tom Perez claimed with inflated confidence that Democrats were going to win in November. 


He expressed excitement about their communications strategy that has people in battleground states crafting localized messages calling attention to Donald Trump’s broken promises that are hurting voters and the industries in their communities.


Holy here-we-go again Batman.


Concentrating on Trump’s many lies and serious shortcomings is the same losing strategy Democrats resorted to 2016. Yet, here the party is again, telling people what they can see with their own eyes and have repeatedly seen since he took office—or chosen not to see. Views they already either agree with or disagree with, vehemently

There’s absolutely nothing new or persuasive here. Yet, Democratic Party leadership seems to be stuck in a fantasy that it will somehow be different this time around. 

As the saying goes…

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting a different result.”

It’s high time for party leaders to gain some sanity and rethink their strategy.

A fresh, creative campaign strategy is needed — not one that helplessly attacks Trump and his manipulative behaviors, but one that figures out how to get around Trump and his manipulative behaviors.

When up against Trump, the ancient Chinese philosophy of warfare applies. To conquer, you don’t attack the enemy, you attack the enemy’s strategy, which then renders the enemy impotent.

As with successful family therapy interventions, it’s essentially a meta-strategy that requires stepping back to get a bigger picture of the problem you’re faced with. From here, you can devise a means to your goal without getting mired in/defeated by entrenched, unwinnable battles.

This is the approach that’s needed to triumph over Trump. 

Going mano a mano with him just won’t cut it. There’s nothing Trump loves more than attacks and counter-attacks that ratchet up emotion. This is his twisted genius, and he’ll win every time.

The focus HAS TO BE on Trump’s and the Republican Party modus operandi, which is, and has always been, to divide and conquer. 

What does this mean in terms of an anecdote or counter-strategy???—If Democrats can unite, they can conquer Republicans and their strategy.

If democrats lose, it’s not because Trump is such a terrific president or candidate or because America is filled with deplorables.  It’s because Democrats have not figured out how to build trust and rapport with Middle America and unite Americans around a common cause. 

So when we have people driving around with Donald Trump flags that say “No more bullshit” its time to pay heed and understand what it is these people are revolting against. Do Democrats even know or even care beyond winning an election? 


I can tell you this--It’s not the bullshit that Democrats are trying to point out with the Perez strategy. It’s something else entirely and it would behoove Democrats to listen and understand where voters are coming from.

Granted, hardcore Trumpsters are way beyond reach. But there is a large segment of middle America that are just fed up with the whole lot of politicians, including or even especially, the Democratic Party.

I’ll be addressing the key points of how to build rapport and unite Americans in upcoming podcasts. However, before Democrats can effectively implement any strategy and succeed, they have to first buck up and get ahold of the dysfunction in their own party.

In the very next podcast I’ll address handling the hostile divide that’s been fermenting between progressives and centrists since 2016. As it stands, the party is barely propped up without coherence or cohesion, and is on very shaky ground. This is not the kind of rock-solid foundation that’s critical for taking on Donald Trump and prevailing.

I’ll guide Democrats on how to resolve their dysfunctional discord and strengthen the party. This will involve highlighting inconvenient truths and self-sabotaging behaviors from both wings of the party that need to be examined.

Like an unpleasant medical remedy, this intervention might sting or taste bitter. But I hope that Democrats will tolerate the discomfort and make the changes needed for the health of the Party and sake of our country. Otherwise, the consequences will be more than intolerable. They could even be disastrous.

Make sure to tune in to the next episode where Shit’s sure to get real as we shed light on the Democratic Party’s many flaws that dealt with.

As always, please remember, blue skies are ahead my friends…don’t give up!!

Take care and talk to you soon on the next episode of Democrats on the Couch.